Monday, February 20, 2012

Three Things

Awesome news!
I'm talking awesome!
Three surprises. . .  three blessings!
And I can't wait to share with all you because you're traveling this journey with us.
First-- I woke up to an email from immigration saying they received our application!  This approval takes the longest and we are one step closer!
Second-- Overnight, we received two donations!
Third-- There was a knock on our door. Guess who it was?  FEDEX delivering our first set of apostilled documents!  This was the biggest surprise of all since today is a holiday.
After I scan them all, I will mail them overseas later today!
So excited!
Doyle and Fischer--we are coming for you!
Blessings my friends!


  1. yay!!!!!!! So excited at all of this!!!!

  2. YAY! Awesome! This is so coooooool!

  3. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!

    Love, Allison

  4. So happy for you guys. God must feel like these boys need to be in your house ASAP!

  5. Just curious: how many kids did you adopt?

  6. Fantastic news!!! Three steps closer:-)

  7. Hi! I have not heard of immigration getting bad to adoptive parents that fast. May God continue to bless you on your adoption journey. Pat

  8. Great news! I wish you the best, you are truly a blessing to these boys and all your kids!!

  9. That is just awesome and great fun for you!!! I loved days like that when we were adopting the kids, productive days!!!

  10. Blessings and Yahoo,To fast process ! God has his hand in this all!!!!
    God Bless,
    Rose Anne


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Blessings!